COMPUTING > Cloud Servers > Design a data center > Setting up Disaster Recovery policies

16.1.1 Setting up Disaster Recovery policies

Is the strategy that the company comes up with in anticipation of, technical or natural events that may cause damage to its physical and organisational structure. The Disaster Recovery plan provides for a procedure in order to restore all the functions necessary to ensure the provision of services in the fastest and most complete way.

"Disaster Recovery" policies have the purpose of limiting the downtime caused by technical or natural events that may cause damage to its physical and organisational structure.

Two parameters must be present when formulating a Disaster Recovery plan:
  • RPO - Recovery Point Objective. Represents the maximum time that elapses between creating a given datum and saving it. It represents a system's maximum data loss time in case of failures. The higher this parameter, the greater the amount of lost data will be.
  • RTO - Recovery Time Objective. It represents the maximum time that you are willing to wait to restore your services to normal, if necessary.
On Aruba Cloud the security of your data is guaranteed by a completely redundant and synchronously replicated Cloud environment: this facilitates all users to carry out the Disaster Recovery policies in a virtually automatic and highly cost-effective way since it is already included in the costs of the individual virtual machines.

Aruba Cloud then offers you the ultimate in terms of reliability and security with absolute minimum costs. However, if for any reason this is not enough, you can create and activate, completely autonomously, your infrastructure on Aruba Cloud so that it fully respects your Disaster Recovery policy. A further guarantee for your data may come from the possibility offered by Aruba Cloud of activating your infrastructure on multiple Datacenters in different locations, effectively located in Italy and Europe.