Partner > 12 - Advanced Features > How to export data into Excel (.xls), Word (.doc) and .csv

12.2 How to export data into Excel (.xls), Word (.doc) and .csv

All the data contained in the Partner Panel and in the related tables can be exported and saved in .xls, .csv or .doc files and downloaded to your client computer.

  • To export the data from the table into .xls format (file format for Excel in Microsoft Office) just click on the icon at the top right with respect to the table, and confirm that you want to save the file, just suggested by your web browser.
  • To export the data from the table into .csv format (comma-separated values - text file used to import and export data and usually compatible with any software and data management platform) just click on the icon at the top right with respect to the table, and confirm that you want to save the file, just suggested by your web browser.
  • To export the data from the table into .doc format (file format for Word in Microsoft Office) just click on the icon at the top right with respect to the table, and confirm that you want to save the file, just suggested by your web browser.