Partner > 10 - Custom services > Associate a custom service with a customer

10.1 Associate a custom service with a customer

To associate a custom service with a customer proceed as follows:
  • go to section "Partner Control Panel" -> "Manage" -> "MANAGE USERS" -> "Manage Users"
  • click the relevant "Manage" button of the user
  • select the "Resources" tab
In the "Custom Services" section

click on the "Add" button.

The following "Add Custom Service" modal window will open,

in which you will need to enter:
  • Name - the name which the customer will see in the "Custom Services" section of their Control  Panel;
  • Description - the description of the custom service found in the relevant technical details page of the user’s Control Panel;
  • Data Center - the data center associated with the custom service;
  • Price - the unit cost of the custom service;
  • Quantity - the quantity;
  • Billing type - the type of payment (monthly, two monthly, annual etc...) you wish to use for  the custom service: this represents the frequency with which the credit will be deducted from the user’s account;
  • Notes: field for writing any additional information;
After entering the required information you need to select the "Add" button to proceed.

Once the above process has been completed the additional service will be displayed in the relevant section and also in the "Custom Services" section of the associated customer.