Partner > 9 - Personal Templates > Upload a Personal Template

9.2 Upload a Personal Template

After creating a Personal Template from the main Control Panel you need to upload it using the Partner Control Panel. To do this follow these steps:
  • log in the "Pannello Partner"
  • go to "Manage"

  • select the "Template Management" option from the "SALES" menu

  • a page like the one below will open,
  • click on the "New Template" button,

  • a modal window will open in which you need to select one of the Personal Templates created by the Partner from the Control Panel.

  • After selecting the Template you need to indicate a "Product Name" to associate to the Template, whether you wish to make the Template "Exportable" by the Customer (stopping or allowing the Customer to create an image of the chosen Personal Template), and last of all the price and the billing period for scheduling payments.

  • To complete the process simply click on "Save" to finish uploading the new product.
  • Once you have finished uploading the Personal Template, it will be displayed in the "SALES" -> "Template Management" section.