Manage AWI account  /  Edit data  /  Edit owner details (incorrect entry)

Edit owner details (incorrect entry)

This guide (and the associated processes) is only valid if details have been entered incorrectly, as in the examples below:
  • Name: Mraio instead of Mario
  • Surname: Cossi instead of Rossi
  • Tax Code: RSSMRA00S01H501C instead of RSSMRA00A01H501C
  • VAT Number: 01573850616 instead of 01573850516

To change the owner details (and associated billing details) if incorrect information has been entered, please follow these steps:

Edit first name/surname/company name

Scenario Documentation How to submit a request
Legal person A simple written request for the correction required. Via the website.
not recognized
A document that shows the name of the Association
(e.g. association's certificate of incorporation).
Natural person A simple written request for the correction required.

Edit VAT number/tax code

Scenario Documentation How to submit a request
Legal person VAT registration certificate*. Via the website.
Natural person A copy of a valid ID document
and a copy of a health insurance card showing the tax code;
Tax code certificate*.
* issued by the Italian Revenue Agency