COMPUTING > Cloud Servers > Template datasheets > AL90-001 - AlmaLinux OS 9.x 64bit

AL90-001 - AlmaLinux OS 9.x 64bit Cloud Server Pro service guide Cloud Server Smart service guide


A Linux Open Source distribution, it provides a robust production platform that is still free to use, community supported, designed for professional use and focused on long-term stability. AlmaLinuxOS is fully compatible with RHEL® and with CentOS pre-Stream.
AlmaLinuxOS is an operating system for enterprise grade servers and a stable Linux distribution with regular releases that come with long-term support. It is suitable for any critical workload. The network is managed by Network Manager and the powerful command line tool “nmcli”.

Fail2ban is available on all AlmaLinux templates. See the tutorial for further details.


Administrative access is provided via SSH, using the root user and password chosen during setup.


This template is a basic AlmaLinux OS installation, suitable for all uses and does not include any special customizations.

Fail2ban is installed on the server for protection from brute force attacks on Port 22.

The default open ports for this template are:
22 TCP

Template version


