Manage AWI account  /  Using credit  /  Check usage and charges

3.1.1 Check usage and charges

From the Control Panel you can view the billing history for your Cloud account (AWI-12345 format), regardless of which data center hosts the resources.

Please follow these steps:
  • Sign in to the Control Panel using your login details: account username (AWI-12345 account) and password.
  • In the user menu in the top right, select "Usage and Resources".
  • This will take you to the "Usage and Resources" page.
  • The options in "Billing history" are as follows:
    • ORDER DATE - indicates the order date.
    • DESCRIPTION - indicates the resource for which the charge has been made. The term "resources" refers to the total amount of resources used at one particular data center (e.g. CPU-HyperV indicates the total CPUs used on Cloud Servers with HyperV hypervisors at one data center).
    • DATA CENTER - indicates the data center hosting the resource (the resources for DBaas, Object Storage, Domains, DNS, Monitoring and Backup services are referred to as DCS).
    • TYPE - indicates the cost type.
    • AMOUNT - indicates the amount charged in Euros.
Transactions can be viewed by choosing the period (for predefined intervals or for specific intervals chosen by the user) and the type of transaction (charges, credits).

If you want to export the results, simply click on the "Export to CSV" button shown above and below the list to download the export.csv file.
Please note that if you are a Partner, you must sign in to the Partner Panel and select the "CREDIT" section to view costs.