BACKUP > Backup for Microsoft 365 > Backup for Microsoft 365 service > Difference between shared and dedicated solutions

1.1.1 Difference between shared and dedicated solutions

The Backup for Microsoft 365 service is available with both shared and dedicated solutions. The following diagram shows the main features.
Solution shared shared with
second copy
dedicated dedicated with
second copy
Microsoft 365 user accounts
to back up
up to 1,000 [1] up to 1,000 [1] from 1,000 [2]
to 5,000 [3]
from 1,000 [2]
to 5,000 [3]
service delivery platform multi-tenant multi-tenant single-tenant single-tenant
resources shared shared dedicated dedicated
∟ resource separation logical logical physical physical
disk space first copy shared shared shared [4] shared [4]
∟ disk space second copy - shared - shared
∟ backup immutability - optional - optional
backup encryption service optional optional optional optional
  1. The limit of 1,000 users is binding, for a higher number of users you need to select the dedicated solution.
  2. The limit of 1,000 is recommended but not binding, you can activate the dedicated solution even for a lower number of users.
  3. If you need a backup user number greater than 5,000, please contact us.
  4. If you need a dedicated S3 storage, please contact us.