BACKUP > Backup > 4 - Backup Control Panel > EVault > Restoring a Backup

4.6 Restoring a Backup

Restoring a backup consists in recuperating a backup you previously created and restoring it in replacement of the original file.

To restore a backup proceed as follows:
  • From the "Select Action" list, found on the right of the Job, select the "Restore" option.

  • The "Restore ServerName -> JobName" window will open.

  • In the "Safeset" field the details of the last backup will be displayed automatically; select the backup you wish to restore, sorted by date.

  • In "Source Device" leave the displayed value;
  • In "Restore Destination" you can choose from two options:
    • "Restore files to their original location";

      "Restore files to an alternate location" (still in the Server on which you installed the Backup Agent) which you can select from the folder list;;
  • In "File Overwrite" you must select one of the provided options, indicating the behaviour which the system needs to mimic when the files are restored:

    • "Overwrite existing files" - if there's a file with the same name it will be overwritten;
      "Do not overwrite existing files" - if there's a file with the same name this will not be overwritten;
      "Rename existing file" - if there's a file with the same name this will not be overwritten;
      This option is very useful in cases, for example, of partial loss of the files configured in the Job. You can then restore just the files which you lost, without having to overwrite the existing files .
  • From the "Select items" section you can decide whether to restore all the files configured in the Job or to restore only specific files. To include/exclude the files simply follow the same process used when creating the Job.

  • Once you have configured the Backup Restore you can run it by clicking on "Run Restore".
  If you need more technical information, please contact our team of experts.