COMPUTING > Cloud Servers > Scheduled tasks > Adding a scheduled task

7.2 Adding a scheduled task

You can create a scheduled task as follows:
  • sign in to the Control Panel with your credentials: account name (AWI-12345) and password;
  • select "COMPUTING" from the horizontal menu;
  • select the Data Center;
  • from the left menu select "Scheduled tasks" in "TOOLS";
  • this takes you to the "Scheduled tasks" section;
  • click on "ADD NEW TASK";
  • the "Create scheduled task" pop up window will appear asking you to enter:
    • Cloud Server: the Cloud Server on which you want to schedule the task. The list will only contain Cloud Servers that are on or off;
    • Status (Enabled/Disabled): if you would like the task to be "active" or "suspended";
    • Task: the type of task you wish to schedule on the Cloud Server;
    • Start date: the date on which you wish to run the task (date cannot precede date of entering);
    • Time: the time at which you wish to run the task (time cannot precede time of entering);
    • Recurring task: this option allows you to make the task a recurring scheduled task;
    • Notes: any comments on the type of task you are scheduling;
  • Once you have scheduled the task, you must press "ENTER" to confirm and activate the task.
The application does not allow you to schedule the task less than 5 minutes in advance. The first possible task must therefore be scheduled for later than 5 minutes after its creation.

Certain Scheduled Tasks may not be successful, in this case it is possible to verify the result in the details of each task and in the "TASKS LOG" of the Data Center or the individual Cloud Server.

Scheduled tasks can also be created through the "Display as Calendar" view, by right-clicking on a specific day and selecting "New scheduled task".
Please remember that tasks cannot be scheduled with a date and time which occurs in the past.