Let's look at some cases in which to use recurring scheduled tasks, to benefit from them in terms of costs and/or performances of the Cloud Servers.
An office which uses Aruba Cloud technology (with Hyper-V Cloud Servers) only during office hours 09:00/13:00 - 14:00-18:00 from Monday to Friday, to optimize the managing costs of its Cloud infrastructure can schedule the following recurring tasks:
- switch off the Cloud Servers daily at 19:00 on work days;
- switch on the Cloud Servers at 08:00 on each work day;
- in case of holidays during weekdays, edit the tasks and put them as "disabled".
This will result in cost savings out of office hours when the Cloud technology is not used.
A company that sells its services/products on the web through its website (using Aruba Cloud technology), in case of events or business exhibitions to which the company takes part in, for promoting advertising campaigns, can boost the computational resources (vCPUs and RAMs) of its Cloud Server to deal with peaks of visits made to its website.