Hypervisor: what are the Tools

Another important feature of the Hypervisors is the presence of Tools useful for managing your Cloud Server.
Generally, the Tools let you monitor and interact with the virtual machine (turn on, shut down and reboot), it can also monitor the activities of the virtual machine and the various devices installed on it. In the case of the VMware Hypervisor we talk about "VMware Tools" while in the case of a Hyper-V Hypervisor, we talk about "Hyper-V Integration Services".

VMware Tools   :
  • Drivers (for the graphics card, network card, mouse, disks, etc.) optimised and improved to ensure greater speed, greater compatibility with the different operating systems and better performance.
  • Synchronisation of the clock between the Cloud Server and our Cloud VMware infrastructure.
  • Using the mouse you can freely move between the virtual machine window and the client from which you are connecting, without having to press any key or combination of keys to exit.
  • Sharing clipboards and the option of copying and pasting files between the Cloud Server and the client computer from which you are connecting.
  • "Performance monitor" utility in the Cloud Server can be reached from the Start Menu > All Programs > VMware > VMware Tools > start VM Statistics Logging.
Hyper-V Integration Service :
  • Drivers (for the graphics card, network card, mouse, disks, etc.) optimised and improved to ensure greater speed, greater compatibility with the different operating systems and better performance.
  • Synchronisation of the clock between the Cloud Server and our Cloud Hyper-V infrastructure.
  • Using the mouse you can freely move between the virtual machine window and the client from which you are connecting, without having to press any key or combination of keys to exit.
  • Key combination CTRL+ALT+END instead of CTRL+ALT+DELETE to send this combination to the virtual machine.
  • Sharing clipboards and the option of copying and pasting files between the Cloud Server and the client computer from which you are connecting.