COMPUTING > Cloud Servers > Public IP > How to disconnect Cloud Servers from a public network

10.5 How to disconnect Cloud Servers from a public network Cloud Server Pro service guide

As we know every single Cloud Server is provided with an associated public IP when created. Once the Cloud Servers have been developed they are placed and configured in a virtual private network (see Creating a private network between several Cloud Servers) you should remove the public IP addresses associated with them for security reasons. This operation becomes even more pressing if we have placed a Cloud Server Firewall at the entrance to the private network: the NON removal of Public IPs totally nullifies the functionality of the Firewall.
  • From the Control Panel
    Once you have accessed the control panel, click on the tab at the top "Manage - Manage your Services"; when the summary page of all the Cloud Servers opens identify the first Cloud Server you want to disconnect from the public network and then click on the "Manage" button related to it. In the page for managing the individual Cloud Server, scroll down the page until the section "Network Cards", then locate the network card on which the Public IP is configured and click the "Disconnect" button. After a few moments the Cloud Server will be disconnected and the card will be released. Repeat the operation for all the Cloud Servers that you want to disconnect from the public network.