STORAGE > Object Storage > Object Storage Web Client > Folders: create and manage

4.3 Folders: create and manage

Creating a folder is subject to the presence of a bucket. To create a folder in a bucket there are two options:
  • click the provided "Create new folder" icon found in the "BUCKETS" section,

    and select the "Create new Folder" option;
  • right-click on the bucket and select the "Create new folder" option;
Both options require confirmation to proceed. Once the folder has been created successfully a confirmation message will be displayed in the "FILES" section.

If creation is not successful, check that all the rules for creating a new folder have been respected. All characters are accepted except the following:
\ / : * ? " < > |
To change the name of a folder proceed as follows:
  • right-click on the folder and select the "Edit name" option;
You will need to confirm to proceed. Once the folder has been renamed successfully a confirmation message will be displayed in the "FILES" section.

We remind you that by changing the name of a folder the path of the files found in that folder will be permanently changed. If you previously shared a URL of a file found in that folder, it will no longer be available online.
To delete a folder found in the remote web space there are two options:
  • select the folder you wish to delete from the tree structure and use the provided "Delete" icon, found in the "BUCKETS" section;
  • right-click on the folder and select the "Delete" option;
Both options require confirmation to proceed. Once the folder has been deleted successfully a confirmation message will be displayed in the "FILES" section.

We remind you that deleting a folder is IRREVERSIBLE and involves the PERMANENT LOSS of all the items (files and folders) found in that folder.