COMPUTING > Cloud Servers > Template datasheets > ADW-002 - Windows 2008 R2 64bit - SQL Server 2005 Express

ADW-002 - Windows 2008 R2 64bit - SQL Server 2005 Express Cloud Server Pro service guide Cloud Server Smart service guide

Windows Server 2008 R2
 SQL Server 2005

EOL (End Of Life)
This template is no longer available for creating new Cloud Servers.


Windows Server 2008 R2 offers a server platform that provides IT professionals with greater control of the infrastructure of the servers and network and provides an enterprise-level platform for the efficient management of enterprise workloads, ensuring high availability for optimised procedures, increased productivity of users working in branches or mobile stations, better virtualisation features and energy consumption management.

How to access

Administrative access is provided via a remote desktop, with the Administrator user and the password selected during creation. It is possible to access the database via remote access using the "sa" user and the password chosen during the creation process.


Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection is pre-installed on the system.
The windows firewall is active with the rules that block inbound traffic to the server on the following ports:

135  TCP  UDP
137  TCP  UDP
138  TCP  UDP
139  TCP  UDP
445  TCP

The ports 1433 and 1434 are open to allow access to the database.

Packet versions

The template comes with Service Pack 1 for Microsoft and all the security patches up to 17/05/2012 installed, new versions including the latest fixes will be made available periodically.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Edition SP1 64bit
MS SQL 2005 Express Edition SP4 (Authentication Windows and SQL)
MS SQL 2005 Management Studio Express Edition

Template version



Installed new Windows updates