COMPUTING > Virtual Private Cloud > The Virtual Private Cloud service > Types of resources and rules for creating

1.1.2 Types of resources and rules for creating

vCPU and RAM - Rules for creating/editing
  Upgrade Downgrade
vCPU    [1]
RAM    [1]
vCPU 50% guaranteed    [1]
RAM for DR    [1]
RAM for VM always on    [2]
1. Resources can only be downgraded if the resources have been freed-up first, and the ratio between vCPU and RAM must always been respected.
2. Resources can only be downgraded if the resources have been freed-up first and the VM is switched off. The ratio between vCPU and RAM must always been respected.
  • Virtual Private Cloud - Standard or in Business Continuity: the ratio between the vCPU and RAM must be at least 1 to 1.5. An increase in the vCPU will therefore result in an increase in RAM.
  • Virtual Private Cloud for Disaster Recovery: the ratio between the vCPU 50% guaranteed and RAM for Disaster Recovery must be at least 1 to 1.5. An increase in the vCPU 50% guaranteed will therefore result in an increase in RAM for Disaster Recovery.
  • When creating/editing a Virtual Private Cloud - Standard or in Business Continuity, increases in vCPU/RAM can be made in units of 1.
  • When creating/editing a Virtual Private Cloud for Disaster Recovery, increases in vCPU guaranteed at 50%/RAM for Disaster Recovery can be made in units of 1.

vCPU and RAM - Dimensions
  Minimum Maximum Increments
vCPU 8 GHz 16,000 GHz 1 GHz
RAM 16 GB 32,000 GB 1 GB
vCPU 50% guaranteed 2 GHz 16,000 GHz 1 GHz
RAM for DR 4 GB 32,000 GB 1 GB
RAM for VM always on 1 GB 32,000 GB 1 GB
Storage - Rules for creating/editing
  • Up to 6 storage items (from the six types available) or up to 4 storage items for Virtual Private Cloud version 2.0 can be purchased.
  • At least one storage item must be the minimum size required.
  • Increments must be in multiples of the minimum increment permitted.
  • The dimensions of a storage item can be increased or decreased when editing.
  • A storage item can be deleted when editing.

Storage - Type
Performance Ideal for all production servers requiring high workloads and IOPS (web servers, mail servers, application servers, high performance database servers).
Performance Plus Redundant performance Storage replicated synchronously.
Capacity Ideal for test and backup environments.
Capacity Plus Redundant Storage Capacity replicated synchronously.
Platinum Ideal for all production servers requiring extreme workloads and IOPS (high performance database servers).
Platinum Plus Ideal for all production servers requiring extreme workloads and IOPS (high performance database servers).
Gold Ideal for production servers requiring high performance (web servers, mail servers, Application servers).
Gold Plus Ideal for production servers requiring high performance (web servers, mail servers, Application servers).
Silver Ideal for test and backup environments.
Silver Plus Ideal for production servers requiring high performance (backup servers and test servers).

Storage - Performance
  Storage Performances Latency Redundant using
RAID hardware
Replicated on
twin storage
Performance NVMe high low    
Performance Plus NVMe high low    
Capacity NVMe IOPs limited average average    
Capacity Plus NVMe IOPS limited average average    
Platinum SSD high low    
Platinum Plus SSD high low    
Gold SSD and SAS high low    
Gold Plus SSD and SAS high low    
Silver SAS + NL SAS average average    
Silver Plus SAS + NL SAS average average    

Storage - Dimensions
Performance 450 GB 640,000 GB 10 GB
Performance Plus 220 GB 320,000 GB 10 GB
Capacity 9000 GB 2,000,000 GB 10 GB
Capacity Plus 450 GB 630,000 GB 10 GB
Platinum 360 GB 110,000 GB 10 GB
Platinum Plus 180 GB 60,000 GB 10 GB
Gold 600 GB 840,000 GB 10 GB
Gold Plus 3000 GB 420,000 GB 10 GB
Silver 9000 GB 2,000,000 GB 10 GB
Silver Plus 450 GB 630,000 GB 10 GB
The Virtual Private Cloud service is created with 5 VLANs included. Additional VLANs can be requested by contacting support.
Shared network - Rules for creating/editing
  • There is only ever one shared public network, both during the creation phase and when being edited.
  • The shared network is created with 4 public IPs (cannot be edited) included in the price.
  • Up to 100 additional public IPs can be purchased when creating.
  • Additional public IPs can be increased, reduced or deleted when editing.

Firewall Protection
  • When creating a shared public network, the system automatically assigns a basic Firewall with an option to customize firewalling rules, NAT, VPN and high-performance load balancing.
Dedicated network
  • Additional dedicated public networks can be added when creating/editing the service.
  • Dedicated public networks can be deleted when editing.
  • Each dedicated public network is created with a minimum of 16 public IPs.
  • The number of public IPs can be increased on creation.
  • The number of public IPs assigned on creation can be changed when editing.

Public IPs
  • Value of packages available for public IPs.
    Number of public IPs

Connection type:
  • The dedicated public network will be one of those available to the virtual data center;
  • The dedicated public network will be certified on a Gateway Edge interface.

  • When a dedicated public network is created, a firewall must be provided.
      Upgrade Downgrade Delete
    FortiGate VM00 - SW VM + FortiCare and UTM   -  
    FortiGate VM00 - SW VM + FortiCare (no UTM)      
    FortiGate VM01 - SW VM + FortiCare and UTM      
    FortiGate VM01 - SW VM + FortiCare (no UTM) -