COMPUTING > Virtual Private Cloud > The Virtual Private Cloud service > General description of the Virtual Private Cloud service

1.1 General description of the Virtual Private Cloud service

The Virtual Private Cloud service lets you purchase variable quantities of computational resources (vCPU, RAM and HD), networks (VLAN, firewall and public IPs) and additional services (DRaaS and BaaS) operated from the VMware Cloud Director control panel, to create and manage virtual data centers by yourself, complete with advanced features such as perimeter firewalls, load balancers and VPN concentrators.

The service is designed to ensure the highest levels of performance: entire network at 10 or at 25 Gbit/sec, latest generation, high frequency processors, redundant storage, replicated simultaneously on a second Data Center (provided from IT1 and IT3 for Virtual Private Cloud), Business Continuity configurations with computational resources replicated on multiple Data Centers in the same region (provided from IT3 for Virtual Private Cloud); all these unique features designed to meet the needs of the most exacting companies.

Aruba Cloud provides computational resources to be used by the customer, as required, in complete security.

Virtual Servers and the network are created and managed, together with all resources, through the VMware Cloud Director control panel, using a protected username and password.
  IT1 IT3 CZ1 FR1 PL1
Version 1.0          
Version 2.0     - - -
  Version 1.0 Version 2.0
Business Continuity -  
Redundant Storage replicated on different racks same Data Center On a different Data Center
Storage with automatic encryption(SED) -  
Storage type SAS + SSD NVMe
- Performance -  
- Capacity -  
- Platinum   -
- Gold   -
- Silver   -
Networking 10 Gb/s 25 Gb/s
DRaaS - Zerto Cloud DRaaS    
DRaaS - Veeam Cloud Connect (DRaaS)[1]    
DRaaS - VMware vCAv    
Cloud Bare Metal Backup   -
Cloud Bare Metal Backup + anti-Ransomware -  
- disk space with second backup copy[2] -  
1. Only available at IT1 and IT3.
2. Option to enable a second backup copy on another data center in a different location, selected when activating the additional BaaS service. For more information on the second off-site copy, see the guide.
  Virtual Private Cloud
  Standard Business Continuity Disaster Recovery
vCPU (guaranteed) 100% 100% and duplicated 50%
RAM always available always available available 5 days per month
RAM per VM always on - - always available
Storage up to 6[1]
(1 per type)
"Plus" replicated type
up to 6[1]
(1 per type)
Veeam Cloud Bare Metal Backup     -
Zerto Cloud DRaaS - -  
Veeam Cloud Connect (DRaaS) - -  
vCAv DRaaS - -  
SLA 99.95% 99.98% -
1. Up to 4 on Virtual Private Cloud version 2.0.
Official VMware Cloud Director documentation: For further technical and sales information, please contact our team of experts.