The Aruba Cloud Computing service provides its Partners with a useful tool for receiving reminders when their credit (or credit limit, if present) is lower than the established threshold or has run out.
For the configuration proceed as follows:
log in to the "Partner Control Panel"
go to the "Customize" section

select the "External Services" option from the "Customization" menu on the left

a window with two sections will appear: "API Settings" and "Test"
API settings
From the "
API Settings" section it is possible to configure the URL of the Web Service implemented by the Partner to manage the events, as well as the relevant login details (
User Name and
Once you have made all your changes you need to click on the "
Save" button
to make them active. At the end of the changes you will see a confirmation message like the following:
From the "
Test"it is possible to test the notice service, both for the "
Reaching Threshold" and the "
Run out of credit" options.
These two functions can be selected from the provided dropdown list under "
Type of Test"

Once you have made all your changes you need to click on the "
Save" button
to make them active. At the end of the changes you will see a confirmation message like the following:
Example documentation
The CreditEventReceiver.wsdl file defines the contract which needs to be implemented by the webservice to be developed in order to receive notifications concerning the credit of the users. The webservice defines 2 methods:
ReceiveThresholdReached: this method is used if the threshold of the credit set by the user is exceed
ReceiveCreditExhausted: this method is used when the user finishes the available credit
Attached you will also find an example of how to implement such webservice CreditEventReceiver-Sample. This example is created in .Net, therefore we recommend that you publish on a Windows machine with IIS and .Net 4.0 framework installed.
In the CreditEventReceiver.asmx.cs file there are 2 "// TODO: Add logic here" comments which indicate at which point you need to enter the logic to manage the warning. Furthermore to manage the authentication the example uses the credentials found in the AuthHeader.cs file:
"required username"
"required password"
The AuthUserName and AuthPassword properties need to be edited in order to recuperate the credentials correctly in a dynamic manner.
Scarica il file .zip.