STORAGE > Object Storage > Object Storage Web Client > Buckets: create and manage

4.2 Buckets: create and manage

Before proceeding it is important to clarify the concept of "buckets". Each Object Storage account, in order to use the Object Storage service (both with the Web Client and with the dedicated connection client), needs to first of all, create a container in which to store the files. The technical term to define this container is "bucket". In the remote web space the bucket corresponds to the folder which the user needs to create. The name of the created folder will generate the URL of the files stored in such folder.

The URL used to reach the file uploaded in the folder will be the following:
https://URL Region/bucket/file name other https://bucket.URL Region/file name

Therefore, if the URL Region were "", the name of the "backup" folder (bucket) and "file.txt" uploaded file would be the following: other

There are a few rules, to respect and bear in mind, on the folder (bucket) which the user will create in the remote web space:
  • the system requires that each bucket has a unique name within the same Region;
  • it is not possible to use the name "bucket":
    minimum number of characters 3
    maximum number of characters 63
    type of characters allowed alphanumeric[1]
    lower case  
    upper case  
    spaces between characters  
    special characters  
    symbols allowed[2] hyphen -
    dot .
    1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    2. Not allowed at the beginning or end of name, only use one at a time.
  • the buckets cannot be nested and can only be created in the root of the remote web space;
  • it is possible to create up to 100 buckets per account;
To create a bucket in the remote web space simply use the provided "Create new Bucket" icon,

found in the "BUCKETS" section.

and select the "Create new Bucket" button.

The successful creation of the bucket will be confirmed with a message displayed in the "FILES" section.

If creation is not successful, check that all the rules for creating a new bucket have been respected.
To delete a bucket from the remote web space there are 2 options:
  • select the bucket you wish to delete from the tree structure and use the provided "Delete bucket" icon, found in the "BUCKETS" section;
  • right-click on the bucket and select the "Delete" option;
Both options require confirmation to proceed. Once the bucket has been deleted successfully a confirmation message will be displayed in the "FILES" section.

We remind you that deleting a bucket is IRREVERSIBLE and involves the PERMANENT LOSS of all the items (files and folders) found in that bucket.