Before proceeding it is important to clarify the concept of "
buckets". Each Object Storage account, in order to use the Object Storage service (both with the Web Client and with the
dedicated connection client), needs to first of all, create a container in which to store the files. The technical term to define this container is "bucket". In the remote web space the bucket corresponds to the folder which the user needs to create. The name of the created folder will generate the URL of the files stored in such folder.
The URL used to reach the file uploaded in the folder will be the following:
https://URL Region/bucket/file name |
other |
https://bucket.URL Region/file name |
Therefore, if the URL Region were "", the name of the "
backup" folder (bucket) and "
file.txt" uploaded file would be the following: |
other | |
There are a few rules, to respect and bear in mind, on the folder (bucket) which the user will create in the remote web space: