3.1 Connection client

To use the Object Storage service you need to have the following:
  • Account details
    Account Name - the name you have given to the account;
    Password - the password you have assigned to the account;
    Region URL - the address of the Region to which the account belongs to (available in the account details page);
  • Connection clients
Here are various free software on the internet for managing remote files and folders which support the Aruba Object Storage service.
Web Client
Included in the service
Allows you to manage files and remote resources via browser without needing to install any software. A simple and functional interface, simplifying the upload and sharing of files.
FTP protocol Compatible with all FTP Clients for desktop and mobile. Allows you to archive content from different devices.
CloudBerry Explorer
(Client S3) free license
Compatible with Windows it allows you to manage local and remote files and resources with a two-window interface.
S3 Browser
(Client S3) free license
Compatible with Windows, use it to easily manage large quantities of data (millions of files).
(Client S3) free license
Compatible with Windows, OSX and Linux, it allows you to manage remote files and resources with a two-window interface. Includes comparison, backup and folder synchronization feature.
Various third-party solutions are available, free of charge or for a small fee, to automatically backup your Object Storage space, including software such as Iperius Backup (www.iperiusbackup.com).
Before you proceed it is important to understand the meaning of "buckets". To use the Object Storage service each Object Storage account needs to first create a container to store the files. The technical term to define this container is "bucket". Within the remote space the bucket is represented by a folder created by the user. The name of such created folder will generate the URL of the files it contains.

Here is an example of the URL which reaches the file uploaded in the folder:
http://URL Region/bucket/file name or http://bucket.URL Region/file name

Therefore if for the Region URL we have "r1-it.storage.cloud.it", for the folder name we have (bucket) "backup" and for the uploaded file we have "example.txt" the result would be:
http://r1-it.storage.cloud.it/backup/example.txt or http://backup.r1-it.storage.cloud.it/example.txt

There are a few rules, which need to be respected and considered, with regards to the folder (bucket) which the user will be creating in the remote space:
  • the system requires that each bucket has a unique name within the same Region;
  • the name "bucket" cannot be used;
  • it needs to be between 3 and 63 characters long;
  • the name can include letters (small letters) and numbers; it cannot include spaces; it cannot include special characters apart from the symbols . – provided they are not placed at the beginning or at the end of the name and are not placed one after the other;
  • the buckets cannot be nested but can only be created in the root of the remote space;
  • it is possible to create up to 100 buckets for each account;