To associate a
custom service with a customer proceed as follows:
- go to section "Partner Control Panel" -> "Manage" -> "MANAGE USERS" -> "Manage Users"
- click the relevant "Manage" button of the user
- select the "Resources" tab
In the "
Custom Services" section
click on the "
Add" button.
The following "
Add Custom Service" modal window will open,
in which you will need to enter:
- Name - the name which the customer will see in the "Custom Services" section of their Control Panel;
- Description - the description of the custom service found in the relevant technical details page of the user’s Control Panel;
- Data Center - the data center associated with the custom service;
- Price - the unit cost of the custom service;
- Quantity - the quantity;
- Billing type - the type of payment (monthly, two monthly, annual etc...) you wish to use for the custom service: this represents the frequency with which the credit will be deducted from the user’s account;
- Notes: field for writing any additional information;
After entering the required information you need to select the "
Add" button to proceed.
Once the above process has been completed the additional service will be displayed in the relevant section and also in the "
Custom Services" section of the associated customer.