To make changes to a custom service (previously
associated with a customer) proceed as follows:
go to section "Partner Control Panel" -> "Manage" -> "MANAGE USERS" -> "Manage Users"
click the relevant "Manage" button of the user
select the "Resources" tab
scroll down to section "Custom Services"
Select the "
Edit" button found to the right of the custom service,
make the changes and save them.
ATTENTION: we remind you that the changes will be activated immediately and displayed in the Control Panel of the associated user.
To delete a custom service simply select the relevant "
Delete" button,
and confirm through the modal window that appears.
ATTENZIONE: we remind you that the changes will be activated immediately and displayed in the Control Panel of the associated user. If the expiry date of a custom service falls after the date of deletion (based on the billing type) said service will be displayed up to such date, it will however no longer be active and the custom service will be put in the status of "NO LONGER USED" in the Control Panel of the user.