Partner > 8 - Product Management > Associate a Product to a Price List

8.2 Associate a Product to a Price List

 ATTENTION: we remind you that in order to sell a new product, first you need to make sure you have enabled the service (related to that product) from thel Partner Control Panel > Customize > Services > Manage Services.
To put a Product for sale first of all such Product needs to be associated to one or more Price List. To do this go to:

"Partner Control Panel" -> "SALES" -> "Product Management".

A table with a list of the Products will appear.

Select the category of the Product that you wish to put for sale between: "OS/Template", "Licenses and Extensions", "Other".

Click on the provided green icon found on the right of the Product.
A modal window like the one below will open,

displaying the Price Lists created by the Partner. Select one or more Price List in which you wish to put the Product for sale. To confirm the action simply click on "Save".
After completing the process the selected Product will be included in the Price List to which it has been associated and the Customer of the Partner (associated to the same Price List) will be able to select it during the order process.