Partner > 3 - Partner Panel > How to customise the Partner Control Panel

3.3 How to customise the Partner Control Panel

Customising the Partner Panel lets you create a Panel not attributable to Aruba Cloud Computing. To customise the Partner Panel proceed as follows:
  • login to the "Partner Control Panel"
  • go to the "Customize" section

  • select "Partner Control Panel" option from the menu on the left

  • a page with two sections will open: "Presentation" and "Email Template Settings"

From the "Presentation" section you can perform the following operations:
  • upload a logo
  • change the background colour of the header
  • enter text in the footer

Uploading a logo

To upload your logo just click on the "Select" button and locate the image file for your logo on your computer. Once the procedure has been confirmed, the file will be uploaded on the Panel and will be displayed on the right. By saving the settings, at the top of the header your company logo will be displayed.
For better graphics we recommend that you upload a .png image with a transparent background containing the logo.
It should be noted that the size of the logo must be 320 px wide by 80 px high (any greater width or height will not be uploaded), it is possible to choose one of the following accepted formats:
  • .gif
  • .png
  • .jpg

Changing the background colour of the header


To choose the background colour of the header just click on the button indicating the colour, a colour-picker will open via which you can select the desired colour. The colour-picker comes with advanced options, such as RGB sliders, HSB and HSV with which you can identify the preferred colour with absolute precision. To make the colour selected visible click on the "Save" button.

Entering text in the footer

You can enter text in the footer simply by editing the corresponding field. The text in the footer may not exceed 250 characters and is usually used to show your information and contact information.

From the "Email Template Settings" section you can perform the following:
  • enter the administrator's Email address
  • configure the email message, with the login details, which will be sent to the user when creating their profile
  • configuring email, containing your new Password, which will be sent to the User in case of Resetting your Password

Admin Email

The "Admin Email" field is mandatory and is used to indicate the Email address to which communications will be sent when:

For each process you can edit the default Email address (Admin Email) for receiving details.
For example it is possible to enter the Email address of the end User.
The "Admin Email" can be changed at any time, we advise you to check that Email address is correct as the Email for the above cases will be sent only once by the system. There is only one "Admin Email" address regardless of how many Administrators there are for the Partner Control Panel.

Message - Create User

From this section it is possible to configure the message indicating the credentials of the new User, which will be sent when such user is created.
The preconfigured message is composed as follows:
Gentile Utente i tuoi dati per l'accesso sono i seguenti:

UserName: UserNameCreato
Password: PasswordCreata
It is possible to change it provided the following values of the code are not altered:
These codes are essential in order to send the newly generated credentials associated with the new User. The interface allows you to change the size, colour and font of the characters, overall it has the features of a common writing program.
The message will be sent from an account like the following no-reply@URLControlPanel (see How to customize the Control Panel).

Message - Reset Password

From this section it is possible to configure the message which will indicate the new Password generated for the User, sent when the Password is Reset.
The preconfigured message is composed as follows:
Gentile UserName la tua password è stata resettata, la nuova password è: NuovaPassword
E' possibile cambiarlo facendo attenzione a non modificare nel codice i seguenti valori:
These codes are essential in order to send the newly generated Password associated with the new User.
The interface allows you to change the size, colour and font of the characters, overall it has the features of a common writing program.
The message will be sent from an account like the following no-reply@URLControlPanel (see How to customize the Control Panel).

Once you have made all your changes you need to click on the "Save" button

to make them active. At the end of the changes you will see a confirmation message like the one below: