EOL (End Of Life)
This template is no longer available for creating new Cloud Servers.
OpenFiler is to all intents and purposes an Operating System, based on Linux CentOS and rPath, dedicated exclusively to NAS (Network Attached Storage) virtual machines and/or devices. For distribution and features, it is one of the best storage solutions available: it has a graphical interface that is accessible online, making it really easy to use and manage; it supports protocols including CIFS, FTP, NFS, SSH, SFTP and TFTP, and can be incorporated into networks that use LDAP, Active Directory, NIS and Hesiod authentication mechanisms.
Management via the online interface in https is via the Public IP associated with that Cloud Server on port 446 (e.g.:; this will open a page requesting the administrator username and password.
The administrator username for access is "openfiler" (not "root" or "administrator").
The password is the one chosen when configuring the Cloud Server Storage.
More experienced users can also access it via SSH, which is useful to get "backstage" of the virtual machine, but not necessary for configuring and managing the Storage.
Given the complete graphic interface offered by OpenFiler, we do not recommend deleting the Public IP associated with the Cloud Server Storage; otherwise, you will only be able to access it from other Cloud Servers connected to the same network.
There are no particular customization options on this template, as this is a standard Openfiler installation.
Template version