Go to the technical datasheet for the Monitoring plan you want to edit using the "
MANAGE" button.
Select "
Edit" under the plan name.
A screen will appear showing two areas, "
Name of monitoring plan" and "
Edit the name by simply writing over the current one.
Each account can only have one plan with the same name.
Once the changes have been made, confirm by clicking on "
EDIT" at the bottom of the page.
An "
Edit monitoring plan" pop up window will appear, asking for confirmation of the change by clicking on "
In this area, you can set the maximum number of notifications to be received per hour in the event of an anomaly detected by one or more of the checks enabled in the plan.
Make the changes required and confirm by clicking "EDIT" at the bottom of the page.
An "Edit monitoring plan" pop up window will appear, asking you to confirm by clicking on "OK, CONFIRM".