2.6 Resource usage statistics

Go to the technical datasheet for the Cloud DBaaS for which you want to view the statistics by clicking on "MANAGE".

Click on "Statistics" under the name of the service.
In the statistics area, you can view the use of the resources (vCPU, RAM and Storage) thanks to the graphics in the "Metrics" section.

You can choose one of the following periods to analyze:
  • last 30 days
  • last 7 days
  • last 24 hours

For the vCPU and RAM resources, you will see the usage percentage (green line) for the resource with respect to the value set when setting up the Cloud DBaaS (which cannot be exceeded in either case).

The Storage graphic shows three different colored lines:
  • green - use of the shared storage resource
  • yellow - rrepresents the security threshold
  • red - the limit at which the resource is used up
If usage of the Storage resource (green line) goes above the security threshold (yellow line), we recommend increasing the resource volume (by following the upgrade procedure) to optimize the performance of the service.
If the Storage resource limit is exceeded, the status of the Cloud DBaaS will switch to "Limited".
In the statistics area, you can view the use of the "Storage" resource, choosing one of the following periods to analyze:
  • last 30 days
  • last 7 days
  • last 24 hours
The graphic shows three different colored lines:
  • green - use of the shared storage resource
  • yellow - represents the security threshold
  • red - the limit at which the resource is used up
If usage of the Storage resource (green line) goes above the security threshold (yellow line), we recommend increasing the resource volume (by following the upgrade procedure) to optimize the performance of the service.
For Cloud DBaaS with shared resources and a MySQL database, if you have exceeded the resource limit, the status of the Cloud DBaaS will switch to "Limited" if the "Must not exceed the limits set by the plan." option is activated.